| UFO Shot Down an ICBM in 1964 According to Alleged Witness
""It was, by the way, a flying saucer. It was shaped like a flying saucer with a ping pong ball on top."" by Chris Lehto via The Portugal News In September 1964, Dr. Robert Jacobs watched a short video that changed his life. "I was part of a government cover-up for 17 years. I was the officer in charge of photographic instrumentation at Vandenberg Air Force Base from 1963 to 66." Bob Jacobs said in an October 2021 press conference. He was in charge of a 100-man unit responsible for photographing and videoing top secret intercontinental ballistic missile tests. Stationed in what is now Vandenberg Space Force Base near Los Angeles, California, his boss Major Mansmann asked him to install a new super long-range video camera system north in Big Sur. The new theodolite, or telescope, could "see with clarity at 160 miles! (257km) It was incredible," Jacobs described. Lieutenant Jacobs did as ordered. He took his team to Big Sur, a picturesque national park near Monterrey in Central