| Unidentified Object Recorded Over New Zealand Possibly a Meteor
This unidentified object seems an awful lot like the ones seen over UK in the last little while... Strange Fireball Spotted over Hull, UK Just a Week After a Similar Sighting Mystery Burning Object over Cambridgeshire, UK Leaves Smoky Trail for 20 Minutes via Otago Daily Times: A Queenstown man has captured some mysterious footage above the Remarkables mountain range. Matt Wilcox was out for a walk when he spotted something odd. "[It] was probably only visible for around a minute or so. Then it went behind the Remarkables and out of sight." Southland Astronomical Society astronomer Mike Bailey had examined the footage and said he believed it was not a plane as it was moving too fast. "It also looks dirty, aircraft contrails would normally be white," he added. The best possible explanation was that it was a meteor entering Earth's atmosphere. "It's likely nothing would have hit the ground, and that it was possibly as small as a golf ball, or even smaller." Mr Bailey said this kind of