| Very Rare Flesh-Eating STD Case Reported in UK
The first case of a rare sexually transmitted disease that causes flesh-eating ulcers to appear near one's genitals has been diagnosed in the UK. According to the Lancashire Post, the unidentified woman, who lives in Southport, England, was diagnosed with donovanosis within the past year. She is reportedly between the ages of 15 and 25. The STD is typically only found in tropical regions, including parts of India, Papua New Guinea, the Caribbean, central Australia and southern Africa, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is the first incident in which the STD was reported in England, according to the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. The rare case was revealed after a Freedom of Information Act request was submitted by online pharmacy, the Independent reported. The website contacted several hospital trusts in the UK to figure out how many diagnoses of STDs had been reported, the ages of those diagnosed, their genders