| What You Need to Know about WikiLeaks' (Vault 7) Release of Alleged CIA Documents
Amid a flurry of headlines about health care and wiretapping on Tuesday, WikiLeaks released nearly 9,000 documents that it claims describe hacking tools used by the CIA. The documentation, much of it technical in nature, describes tools that can be used to break into various desktop and mobile operating systems, as well as routers and smart TVs. The documents' authenticity remains unclear, and WikiLeaks has suggested that additional releases are forthcoming. Here's what you need to know: What was included in the leak? Overall, the release contains 7,818 text pages and 943 file attachments, many of which are snippets of actual code. WikiLeaks said in its press release that although it is in possession of the code behind the hacking tools and malware described in the documents, it has decided not to release the malicious code itself. Instead, the bulk of the release is essentially a directory of pages with technical instructions on how to implement the hacking tools (most of which have