| Woman Who Predicted 9/11 Has Something Shocking for 2016 and Much More
Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian clairvoyant who died in 1996. She was fondly known as the Nostradamus of the Balkans, since she was famous for her mostly accurate predictions of what will happen in the future. She was born as Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, in Strumica, Macedonia and lost her eyesight when she was 12 years old. She became famous for her predictions and healing touch during the Second World War. She passed away in 1996 due to breast cancer and her house was then turned into a museum. She had predicted some very chilling and accurate things like the date of the death of Tsar Boris III, the breakup of Soviet Union, Global warming, unification of Germany and many more such predictions, which came true. Here are 6 of her top predictions, some came true and for some we have to wait for the future to unfold the mystery and give us the answer. 1. Kursk nuclear submarine disaster The Kursk nuclear submarine disaster refers to the sinking of an Oscar class Russian nuclear submission in