World Predictions Until 2050 by Remote Viewer E.M Nicolay
Details about the future events that are going to happen by 2050 were predicted by a E.M Nicolay who is also known as Gene.
Below are a few events written on our most probable present and future timeline:
Around March 2015, there was an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin by Western covert operations. During this time, he mysteriously disappeared from the world stage for approximately 10 days. Speculation abounded on “Where is Putin?” and if he was dead or alive. As a result of this attempt on his life, Putin experienced a near-death experience or what might be called a “spiritual awakening” where he was shown his true destiny. This significantly changed him. He turned his back on any secret treaties already in effect with some of the power cabals. Instead, he decided to heavily protect himself and his people from these covert activities by taking new action.
World War 3 has already started even though it is not yet being called that. It will be officially given that title in the latter part of the 2010’s. Expect a lull in the fighting after Russia helps Syria destroy terrorist installations. There will come a regrouping by the terrorists after being re-funded by covert Western operations. Once the war spills over into Lebanon and Jordon there will be an escalation. Nuclear weapons will be deployed in not only the Middle East but important parts of Europe. This will cause devastation, severe economic turmoil and many world economies will collapse by 2025.
Expect Israel to try to rebuild the Temple Mount. They will exile Palestinians from the area.
The end of the Catholic Church will occur between 2025 and 2030 due to Islamist terrorists fleeing the Middle East after WW3 and causing the destruction of Rome. (The destruction and end of the church was actually one of the prophesies given to the children at Fatima, which the Church has kept hidden.)
Conflict continues to rage in the Middle East because many of these areas sit on key vortex portals that amplify and/or quickly manifest what a person thinks or feels, whether positive or negative. Consequently, violence is amplified with more violence due to the energy spiraling through these areas.
There will be continued economic problems in the U.S. but a global currency reset, based on a return to the gold standard, will not actually take place until 2017 or 2019 at the latest.
Around 2030 the U.S. will be embroiled in a civil war after the break off of states into regional unions. One of the strongest and more prosperous unions will be the New England Region. Many of these regions will have their own currency and militias, especially after the bankrupting of the federal government by 2030.
Russia will usher in a new Eurasian Enlightenment period in the latter part of the 21st century. It will lead the world in a cultural revolution and ultimately be seen as the “savior” while other parts of the world lie in ruin.
The second coming of the Christ figure (an enlightened avatar being) will emerge from the Northern Turkey area and help bring forth a “New Golden Age on Earth” beginning in Russia.
Russia and China will eventually become the world’s policemen for protection on U.S. soil.
For their own preservation, Mexico will form a close alliance with China and Canada will be allied with Russia.
From these world predictions, it appears much of the geopolitical influence will shift to Eurasia by 2050.
The Rise of Civilization moves westward once again, repeating what history has already shown us is a natural progression. The United States, as the world’s leading superpower, will undergo change.
Some of us will be untouched by these changes. The more we let go of fear, the better our outcome.
For this long-awaited, 26,000 year dimensional shift to happen, it may seem darkest before the dawn as old ways and patterns begin to crumble and fall away. But we will come through it.
From what Gene describes, 5th Dimensional Terra sounds like an answer to many of our prayers.
While our soul may never stop learning and growing, this 5th dimension has no need for cellphones or the internet connecting us to each other.
Goodbye Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Funny, but it appears all our mobile devices and the internet are just a dress rehearsal getting us ready for total telepathic communication with everyone and everything.
Stay tuned, it should be an interesting ride.
Well, he wasn’t right about the financial reset “by” 2019 but indeed “started” in 2019. Let’s see when (if) will take place.