| World's First 3 Parent Baby Born Using New Technique
According to an exclusive report in New Scientist, a breakthrough birth occurred under the radar some five months ago. With the help of John Zhang from the New Hope Fertility Center in New York City, a Jordanian couple conceived and gave birth to a child with more than two genetic parents. So-called "three parent babies" actually have more like 2.001 parents, according to experts. And the baby boy born earlier this year isn't the first child to have a little more DNA than mom and dad could provide on their own: An IVF technique that relied on small transfers of donor DNA was pioneered in the U.S. during the 1990s, but was banned after fewer than 100 babies were born. This Jordanian newborn represents the first successful birth in a new wave of "three parent" techniques — ones that are more sophisticated, and that will likely stick around much longer. For now, there is no country where the method used to conceive the baby boy is explicitly legal. Zhang performed the procedure in Mexico,