The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.
planet nine-02
Is an Alien Planet Hiding at the Edge of Our Solar System ?

“Researchers now believe that there is around a 7% chance that a rogue planet from a distant part of the galaxy…” by T.K. Randall via Unexplained-Mysteries Astronomers believe that there is a small chance that a rogue planet could have been ‘captured’ by the Sun’s gravity. A few years ago, the possibility that there was an undiscovered planet in our … Continue reading

Are Aliens Attacking Astronauts in Space?

This video exposes the dark side of space exploration. It uncovers the potential threats to astronauts by extraterrestrial beings, and reveal what could be a ground-breaking discovery in the history of space exploration. Extreme Mysteries YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below

Forbidden Archaeology: Lost Giants of America | The Smithsonian’s Biggest Secret

In 1886, mining engineer John T. Reid was told the Paiute legend of a giant people defeated by the natives near Lovelock, Nevada. The last of the giants met their fiery end deep within the bowels of a cave. Reid’s belief in this legend stirred great interest in the secrets held within Lovelock Cave. Official excavations were undertaken in both … Continue reading

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Asteroid Bigger Than Ten Buses Headed Our Way

“The space agency further identifies this asteroid as a member of the Apollo group of Near-Earth Asteroids, which are asteroids cross Earth’s path with larger semi-major axes.” via Editorji News Desk Image: Shutterstock NASA is closely monitoring an asteroid as it hurtles towards Earth at a staggering 43,515 km/h! NASA’s vigilant eyes are on Asteroid 2023 MR1 as it travels … Continue reading

Did the Annunaki Create the Human Race?

Did ancient aliens, known as the Annunaki, create the human race? Join us on a mind-bending journey through ancient mythology, archaeological discoveries, and controversial theories as we explore the fascinating question of our origins. This thought-provoking video delves deep into ancient Sumerian texts, Mesopotamian mythology, and compelling evidence to present a compelling case for the Annunaki’s influence on humanity’s genesis. … Continue reading

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The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

