Planet X / Planet 9
This page is dedicated to the information brought to light by scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin – LANCE HAYASHIDA/CALTECH
We would like to make available some very basic info. but also links to more in depth articles. A few of the first articles to be published when this news had broken as well as video links and a map of the proposed Planet 9 (X?) all below.
Planet Nine is a hypothetical (so far) large planet in the far outer Solar System, the gravitational effects of which would explain the unusual orbital configuration of a group of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) that orbit mostly beyond the Kuiper belt.
Here are a few links to various media outlets covering the subject.
How Astronomers Could Actually See ‘Planet Nine’
Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto
Evidence grows for giant planet on fringes of Solar System
Mysterious Planet X Could Be the Ninth Planet In Our Solar System
Is there a massive new planet out there?Astronomer claims Neptune-sized ‘Planet X’ DOES exist
Planet X? 9th planet, beyond Pluto, may exist, new study suggests
Evidence Stacks Up for a Planet Beyond Pluto
Additional articles covering Planet 9/Nine on this website can be browsed HERE and also HERE
Alternatively, you can also check out other related articles we’ve continued to add generally on the topic of Planet 9 and also on Planet X / Nibiru / Nemesis CLICK HERE
i feel its in a oblong orbit to ours and is on the other side of the sun
I believe so too
my blood tabe is b naggiyive