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Revisited Mysteries: Stanton Friedman’s Roswell Witness Letter

“Exactly what was found scattered across a ranch approximately 30 miles north of Roswell in 1947 continues to remain a controversial topic…”

by T.K. Randall
via Unexplained-Mysteries
image credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 MjolnirPants

The letter had been part of an enormous archive of letters and documents kept by the late UFO researcher.

There are few cases in UFO lore as hotly debated as the Roswell incident, an event that has been covered in countless books, documentaries, TV shows and movies over the last few decades.

Exactly what was found scattered across a ranch approximately 30 miles north of Roswell in 1947 continues to remain a controversial topic, with some believing that it was a crashed alien spacecraft, some subscribing to the official ‘weather balloon’ story and others again believing that it was some sort of secretive government project that went awry and had to be covered up.

A few years ago, a previously unseen letter written by the son of a military witness concerning these events was found among the various documents and files kept by the late UFO researcher Stanton Friedman.

The author, who is referred to only as ‘Shawn’, was thought to have lived in Texas.

His father – a military man – had allegedly been taken to the crash site at the time of the incident.

“Nothing resembled the shape of a conventional airplane or rocket,” Shawn wrote.

“There were chunky pieces of relatively intact metal frame and many smaller, thinner pieces of what looked like a fuselage. Everything was made of a strange metal alloy, what he called “unobtanium,” very light and strong. Some of the pieces could not be bent, while others were extremely flexible.”

“There were also some pieces that appeared to be rusted on the outside or to have been subjected to very high heat.”

Things got even stranger when his father claimed to have witnessed “three small humanoids” that had been packed in ice and loaded onto a plane.

The entities were roughly human-like, but had no ears or teeth. They had large eyes, but no eyelids and had six fingers on each hand. Their skin was similar to that of a shark.

They were also ideally suited to sit in the metal reclining seats found in the wreckage.

You can read the letter in its entirety – here.

by T.K. Randall
via Unexplained-Mysteries
Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 MjolnirPants

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