Orb Chases Car

Strange Unexplained Incident in Northern California

Here is an incident that one of our loyal readers decided to share with me, and with his permission I’ve decided to share it with you.

This is not the first reader who’s shared a similar type of incident either, really makes you think… UFO, paranormal or something else…

At the very least, I hope this makes you wonder…

‘This is an incidence that happened to myself and my mother in 1980.

It was on a friday about 4:00 pm, my brother was working at a job in a city called Menlo Park, it was just across a toll bridge from where we lived.

At that time of the day there were always numerous cars especially on a Friday. I remember my mom asking if i would accompany her to go and pick-up my brother from work as she did not want to go alone so i agreed and we sped off. I remember back then it was a two lane road that lead to the toll bridge, I recall pulling up to the toll taker booth and paying the toll, we entered the toll road to the bridge where I live Northern California’s SF-Bay Area is always populated and has many cars.

Well as I said we entered the toll road up to the bridge, it usually took about 10 minutes to reach the bridge from the toll taker area, we noticed that on that day there were no other vehicles on the bridge road [ in either direction ]. Strange, but we didn’t really linger in thought about it we kept proceeding towards the bridge when my mother noticed in her rear-view mirror a single headlight, we thought it was a motorcycle but the light was not bouncing up and down like on most motorcycles at speed, it was approaching fast from behind us. As it neared us it grew larger until it consumed our car.

Back in 1980 the bridge, named the Dumbarton was still a maned bridge, which meant that there was always supposed to be a lift operator that would raise the bridge up when large ships needed to cross as this bridge crossed over a narrow channel of the pacific ocean [ bay-area ] so we were starting to cross over when the light overtook our vehicle. I remember looking at the booth where the operator was supposed to be and we were not going anywhere, the car was still operating, we could feel the tires spinning but we were not moving any further. I recall looking at the speedometer that read 55 miles an hour and still we were not moving forward. The light passed through the car and in an instance we were again moving across the bridge.

Remember I said earlier we were going to pick-up my brother from work, this is where things become even stranger, neither myself nor my mom could recall ever picking up my brother, in fact, remember I said that we left to pick up my brother at 4:00pm, when we finally returned home it was well after 10:00 pm and my brother was not with us! What happened to all that time ? I do not know, my father asked us where we were all that time, but we had no recollection.

In the months that followed strange things occurred, things such as airplanes constantly flying over and circling overhead, and there was a extremely bright star that shone down that we do not ever remember noticing before. There was nothing about the star in the newspaper or on tv. My mom started calling it her friend. I remember pulling out a tiny sliver of metal from my arm just to have it reappear the next day.

One day years later I pulled out the sliver and it never reappeared again. Since that day I have always felt a connection with the night sky, never sure why.

I reluctantly tell you my account because let’s face it, no one is gonna believe it, and it would only leads to ridicule. I’m not saying we were abducted but I still do not know what happened that day back in 1980… the lost time, the weird slivers and that bright star that always felt like it was watching us 👽 PS this is a true account !’

-Pete Mandeville

(Headline image is only for representative purposes and is not associated with the incident shared)

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