Alien Police Scenario of the Fermi Paradox: A Possible Solution
As C .Clarke said “ We are either alone in this universe or we are not. And both these ideas are equally scary. The universe is very vast and has billions of galaxies. These billions of galaxies have trillions and trillions of planets and many among them are habitable too. So if there are millions of other habitable planets who … Continue reading
Are We Being Watched By Alien “Lurkers” in Our Solar System?
Are we alone in this universe? This existential question might have come up in probably everyone’s mind. Taking in mind the vastness of our universe and the large amount of star systems present in it, we might not be alone! And if that’s the case, what if an alien civilization, that is millions of years ahead of us in technological … Continue reading
Is Our Galaxy Being Explored by Spacefaring Alien Species? –‘Ten Unsettling Possibilities’
A fascinating exploration by futurist John Michael Godier of ten of the most disturbing solutions to the Fermi Paradox, or the question of are we alone and if not, where are they. Dailygalaxy IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below