Mystery Explosions Still Plaguing Alhambra, California

Susan Saunders began hearing the explosions at random hours, day and night, in February at her Alhambra home. The first one came at 3 a.m. “I thought, ‘Somebody’s blowing things up,’” said Saunders, 60. “It really lifted my windows.” But she heard it again and again. Her neighbors started hearing it. Police were called. They received 114 calls about the … Continue reading

Video Shows Military Helicopter Following ‘Un-Earthly’ Craft Over Cincinnati, Ohio

An unexplained phenomenon was captured on camera as it hovered eerily in the night sky over Ohio. A resident shot this freaky footage and passed it on to a UFO investigator for The Secure Team, who released it online. Witnesses told the team that military aircraft had been circling the area while the craft was visible, suggesting the UFO may … Continue reading

Understanding The Hum Mystery

In the spring of 2012, when Glen MacPherson, lecturer at UBC, was living near the coastal village of Sechelt, along the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, he began hearing a humming sound, which he thought were float planes. The noise usually started later at night, between 10 and 11 p.m. His first clue that something unusual was happening came with … Continue reading

‘World UFO Day’ Celebrated by UFO Enthusiasts

Today marks the anniversary of the famous UFO crash that occurred in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Intended to help raise awareness of “the undoubted existence of UFOs”, World UFO Day is a special event for UFO enthusiasts and researchers as well as for disclosure advocates who are attempting to encourage world governments to reveal what they know about UFOs. … Continue reading

The Day I Died – BBC Documentary on Near-Death Experiences

This documentary features in-depth case studies of Near Death Experiences including a dramatic veridical (verifiable accurate) out-of-body experience, the most recent research studies, and balanced interpretations of NDEs from both skeptical and “believer” perspectives – virtually everything an inquiring mind would need for an introduction to NDEs. One of the best documentaries made about Near Death Experiences, by the BBC. … Continue reading

Why Are These 32 Symbols Found In Ancient Caves All Over Europe?

Written language, the hallmark of human civilization, didn’t just suddenly appear one day. Thousands of years before the first fully developed writing systems, our ancestors scrawled geometric signs across the walls of the caves they sheltered in. Paleoanthropologist and rock art researcher Genevieve von Petzinger has studied and codified these ancient markings in caves across Europe. The uniformity of her … Continue reading

The Tunguska Event: June 30, 1908

“It was nothing of this earth, but a piece of the great outside; and as such dowered with outside properties and obedient to outside laws.” –The Colour Out of Space”, by H.P. Lovecraft (1927) In the morning of June, 30 1908 eyewitnesses reported a large fireball crossing the sky above the taiga of the Stony Tunguska (PodkamennayaTunguska) in Siberia. A … Continue reading

It’s Crop Circle Season in Rural Britain and Investigators Are Wiltshire Bound

For several months each summer, Monique Klinkenbergh gets up at dawn and heads to the tiny Wiltshire airport to climb into her ultralight aircraft. It’s important for her to get in the sky as quickly as possible, as the sun rises over Southern England’s rolling hills and lush green farmland, because hunting for crop circles is always a race against … Continue reading

Incredible Images Taken in 1958 Show Mind Boggling UFO over Mexico

According to a set of images released in Mexico, one of the best recorded UFO sightings took place in Colima, Mexico, in 1958. Reports state that Javier Torres and Alejandro Dueñas took the images while driving from Colima to Guadalajara. The mysterious disc-shaped object flew above them as they were taking pictures of the surrounding landscape. The four-image sequence is … Continue reading

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