
Terral’s Project Black Star Update Report 2018 – Newsletter 2

Black Star Update Report January 11, 2018

Seismic event indicators say Earth is moving through the second and final earth-change lull period for the 2017 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation.

Year-over-year weekly seismic-event values for Week 47 are below average with no 6-magnitude earthquake events for the first time in the last four years, which was the case for Week 46 and Week 45. The 5-magnitude earthquake weekly-event number dropped to within one of becoming a sub-20 value that generally takes place near the end of the earth-change lull periods, which means a seismic bounce in activity should be expected in weeks to come. The 2.5 to 4-magnitude earthquake event value (236) is down slightly from the bounce we saw last week (240), which was expected due to the 206 quake events from Week 45; which is normal from nearing the sub-200 value so early in the current earth-change lull period.

Week-over-week seismic-event values show minimal global earthquake activity across the board with the 2.5 to 4-mag and 5-mag quake event values dropping slightly. The 7.6-magnitude Honduras Earthquake (USGS) that struck early this morning will be entered into the seismic chart for Week 48 that ends this Saturday at midnight. Week 47 for the 2017 Earth orbit cycle shows none of the 6-magnitude earthquake events for the third week in a row, which has not happened since Week 36 – Week 40 for the 2015 orbit cycle following the 8.3 Chile Quake Event (USGS) that helped to change the global tectonic/volcanic dynamic. Take the 7.6 Honduras Quake out of the equation and Earth has seen just two 6-magnitude quake events in the last thirty days (USGS and USGS), according to Equake3D.

Five deep earthquake events have struck in Earth mantle transition zone (Wiki) over the last seven days with all four on the Fiji side of the Seismic/Volcanic Origination Zone, which sends deep magma-plume-wave energy across the South Pacific towards Chile. Nine of these deep Fiji events, in the last two weeks, has transferred sufficient deep magma plume energy through buoyancy-barrier corridor #2 to test the formation terminal end to produce the 7.6 Honduras Quake at the 10-kilometer depth making this the Notable Quake for Week 47. If you go back and review the Equake3D image from last week, you will see the thick arrow pointing from Fiji across to Chile to turn north in the Honduras direction. The combination of Earth core cooling, magma-plume buoyancy-barriers contacting and nine deep Fiji quake events in the last two weeks have focused enough deep magma plume energy to the Americas to finally trigger the 7+ magnitude earthquake event expected since the current earth change lull period began back in late November 2017. Those believing this is some magnanimous earthquake event should realize that deep magma plume activity from the 2016 orbit cycle produced five similar quake events from Week 44 to Week 51 making this singular event (so far) no big deal. The Honduras Quake had no foreshocks and only five aftershocks (so far) with none above a 4.6 magnitude, which tells me that this event was triggered by deep magma-plume horn activity displacing magma near the surface. The 10-kilometer quake event in the South Pacific was produced in much the same way, but along the buoyancy-barrier corridor and not near the formation terminal end.

Starting from the left, we can see diminishing seismic activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north and south of the equator, which is typical moving through the earth-change lull periods. While another moderate quake event struck the Gibraltar region at the 10-kilometer depth, southwest of Algeria (USGS), seismic-volcanic activity is expected to continue shifting east towards the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone. All seismic activity is disappeared along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor #4, as Earth continues moving away from the Black Star in natural orbit around the Sun for the Black Star-Earth magnetic portal connection to lengthen through this period. Seismic-Volcanic pressures can easily turn around for the arrows to point east in the opposite direction, if we see many deep earthquake events (410 to 660 kilometers below the surface) on the Indonesia side of the equation and up through Japan; but that kind of scenario does not appear to be in the cards at least for now. Remember, again, that the 2017 Earth orbit cycle will continue into February 2018 to begin the next orbit cycle relative to the Black Star in the Libra Constellation.

Earth saw just two new volcanic eruption events in the last seven days with both events taking place in the Indonesia/Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone. This is the fifth week in a row that a new volcanic eruption event as struck in Bali, as the lack of deep earthquake events along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor #1 has seen volcanic pressures retreat from Cascadia through the Aleutians, Kamchatka and the Philippines on the way back to the Origination Zone. The weekly new volcanic eruption events have dropped from seven to five to four last week and down to two this week providing more evidence that Earth is moving through a well-pronounced earth-change lull period as predicted.


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