You can actually fit all the planets in the Solar System (sorry, not you Pluto) in the space between the Earth and the Moon. Think about that one.
Flash and Boom Recorded in Cleveland Ohio, 3/28/18

A Cleveland resident posted an unexplained flash that was followed by a delayed boom on his YouTube channel. One of the video’s viewer comment noted that the delay of the boom after the flash is likely because it was about 8 miles away hence the delay of about 8 seconds before the sound was heard. ctalj3 says: “The Boom a … Continue reading

Unexplained Boom Main
Loud Boom Heard and Felt in Great Falls Montana Was ‘Not a Nuke’

Although the source of the loud boom that was felt and heard in and around Great Falls on Saturday afternoon has not yet been determined, we do know that is was not the result of an accidental detonation of a nuclear missile from Malmstrom Air Force Base. Hundreds of people reported hearing the loud boom in all areas of Great … Continue reading

The Speed of Light is Clue Pyramids Were Built by Aliens, Researcher Claims

The pyramids of Egypt are enshrined in mystery and wonder. There are many theories as to how, and even who, may have built them. Does the design or location of the Egyptian pyramids yield clues as to their creators? Some researchers think ET’s did in fact leave just such information, just not in plain sight. The experts believe the smoking … Continue reading

Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Make Telepathy a Reality

Yet another sci-fi thing that seems to be creeping closer to existence. So how do you feel about hooking your brain up to a computer? via unexplained-mysteries: A leading surgeon believes that we will gain the ability to read each other’s minds within as little as 20 years. It might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but … Continue reading

New Highly Accurate Mind-Reading Machine Translates Thoughts, Displays Them as Text

This technology is fantastic and terrible at the same time but I suppose it is like that with anything in life, it’s all in how it is used. It’s fantastic because it can be beneficial in many ways such as, helping stroke victims or other language impaired persons communicate fairly easily. On the other hand privacy issues, which are already … Continue reading

Two UFOs Whiz By Dangerously Close to Argentine Pilot’s Aircraft

via Jason Gleaves, Ufonly: A veteran civilian Argentine pilot filmed out of his cockpit windscreen of his private aircraft flying through dense clouds when two incredible Unknown UFO’s crossed in front of his aircraft at high speed ‘twice’ in both directions (port to starboard and return direction) before immediately disappearing out of sight at high velocity. It is difficult to … Continue reading

Russia’s Electromagnetic Weapons Could Surpass ‘Efficiency’ of Nuclear Weapons

Russia is developing radio-electronic weapons, which use a powerful UHF impulse capable of destroying all electronic equipment miles away and even changing the course of a war. Alexander Khrolenko (RIA Novosti) – The Listva, a remotely operated mine clearance vehicle capable of detecting and blowing up mines up to 100 meters away, is one such weapon. An armored vehicle equipped … Continue reading

Could Life Exist in the Clouds of Venus ?

Headline Image Caption: NASA has considered using airships to explore the atmosphere of Venus. We will probably one day come to find out that life (of whatever level) might exist on completely different biological and environmental terms than we do. Admittedly, it is hard to picture that there can be a life form that can exist in or on such … Continue reading

Lockheed Developing Compact Yet Powerful Fusion Reactor

Slowly we are starting to see stuff from the movies become reality. I’m thinking this path of innovation could also have an affect on space travel. via Sputniknews: Lockheed Martin is developing a new nuclear fusion reactor like no other. The US defense contractor says that the reactor is no bigger than a shipping container, but could power 80,000 homes. … Continue reading

Bolivia Hit by Magnitude 6.8 Earthquake

Southern Bolivia (South America) was hit by a powerful earthquake Monday morning, however initial reports suggests limited damage and no serious injuries or deaths. Buildings reportedly shook as far away as Sao Paulo, Brazil. via The 6.8 magnitude tremor struck about 8 miles north-northeast of Carandayti, Bolivia, at 9:40 a.m. EDT Monday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. … Continue reading

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You can actually fit all the planets in the Solar System (sorry, not you Pluto) in the space between the Earth and the Moon. Think about that one.

