The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Pedestrian Killed by Uber Self-Driving Car. What happened?

IN 2016 one of Google’s self-driving car was involved in a collision with a bus but there were no fatalities in that incident. Now in 2018 one of Uber’s self-driving car is involved in an incident that has claimed the life of a human. DO you guys remember those robots that they physically pushed over and bullied in the name … Continue reading


Start-Up Company Says It Can Upload Your Brain, But There’s a Deadly Catch

Apparently there is already a waiting list! This type of thing is fascinating but I haven’t given it enough thought to say whether or not I would go for something like this, but without thinking about it too deeply I would tend to say I would probably go for it if I had the option and opportunity. Would you? via … Continue reading


Scientists Shed New Light on Cigar-Shaped Interstellar Space Rock ‘Oumuamua’s Origins

In October 2017, astronomers spotted a strange, incredibly fast-moving object hurtling through the solar system. It was unlike anything that had ever been seen before. ‘Oumuamua—a Hawaiian term roughly translating to “scout” or a “messenger from afar”—is thought to measure around 800 by 100 feet and has a rare cigar-like shape. It is currently hurtling through the solar system at … Continue reading

Electromagnetic signals (blue circles) from alien civilizations will continue traveling through the Milky Way even after the aliens are gone. The appearance of a doughnut hole represents when a civilization dies out.

If We Were to Ever Receive Signals From an Alien Civilization, They Are Probably Already Dead

If signals from an alien civilization ever reach Earth, odds are the aliens will already be dead. In an effort to update the 1961 Drake Equation, which estimates the number of detectable, intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way, physicist Claudio Grimaldi and colleagues calculated the area of the galaxy that should be filled with alien signals at a given time (SN Online: … Continue reading


FastWalker Captured on ISS Camera

Streetcap1 shared a video from ISS camera that appears to show a ‘fastwalker’ zipping by. I wonder how NASA would explain this one. “Fastwalker” is a term NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) invented to categorize objects that approach from space, enter our atmosphere, maneuver strangely about, and then leave the atmosphere again in a manner that is not consistent … Continue reading


Snowden Says Facebook is a ‘Surveillance Company’, Collects and Sells User Data

Incredible (and quite infuriating) when a corporation is big how they can get away with almost anything. Imagine for a moment the type of punishment that would be exacted on for example let’s say two people who did this type of thing from their home or a small time operation, just imagine it…jail, fines, jail AND fines. Via RT: NSA … Continue reading


Asteroid Bennu ‘Dynamically Unstable’ and Could Be Heading Directly For Earth

Not one to stir up fear but I wonder if this has got all the scientists and astronomers in a mild panic. In another article we shared we see Russian scientist working on (testing) lasers to blow up asteroids and another one prior to that a NASA program to deflect or destroy incoming asteroid threats ‘NASA Preparing Spacecraft to ‘Nuke’ … Continue reading


Russian Scientists Testing Lasers to Destroy Deadly Asteroids

Remember last week, when we learned that NASA has official plans to blow up deadly asteroids with nuclear bombs? Well, we’ve got more good news: Russian scientists from ROSATOM (aka, the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation) and MIPT (the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) have been building tiny, scale-model asteroids and blowing them up with lasers in order to … Continue reading


Bizarre Tectonic Plate “Bend” Is Behind Mexico’s Terrible Earthquakes, Study Shows

Six months have passed since a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Mexico City, toppling 40 buildings and killing over 300, but the memory remains fresh. Condemned structures dot many neighborhoods, their facades crumbling. And after an earthquake 225 miles (360 km) away in Oaxaca state shook the capital city again on 16 February 2018, the city mayor said hospitals treated dozens of people for panic … Continue reading


Theorist Claims the ‘Big Bang’ Was Not the Beginning

First hints are emerging of a universe that existed before our own: an alien world of chaos where time, space and geometry were yet to form. WE ARE told it was big, yet it was probably unimaginably small. We are told there was a bang, yet there was apparently no sound, and no space for anything to explode into. Some think … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

