The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Currently browsing: SPACE /SCIENCE /TECH /HEALTH

NASA Speculates Voyager 2 Could be Nearing Interstellar Space

As a reference, beyond the comet oort cloud and the gravitational pull of the Sun is a boundary known as the heliopause. Beyond that lies interstellar space. via: NASA’s Voyager 2 probe, currently on a journey toward interstellar space, has detected an increase in cosmic rays that originate outside our solar system. Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 is a … Continue reading

‘Qantum Artificial Life’ Created for the First Time Using Quantum Computers

For the first time, an international team of researchers has used a quantum computer to create artificial life—a simulation of living organisms that scientists can use to understand life at the level of whole populations all the way down to cellular interactions. With the quantum computer, individual living organisms represented at a microscopic level with superconducting qubits were made to … Continue reading

Multi-Person Brain-to-Brain Communication Successfully Achieved, Says New Study

For the first time in history multi-person brain-to-brain communication has not only been proven, but quantified in a clinical setting. A team of scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Washington published their findings in the “pre-print server” arXiv owned by Cornell University, which means it has been published after moderation but not yet approved for a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The experiment itself … Continue reading

Scientist Claim They’ve Come up with a Way to Test if The Big Bang Actually Happened

According to the Big Bang cosmological model, our Universe began 13.8 billion years ago when all the matter and energy in the cosmos began expanding. This period of “cosmic inflation” is believed to be what accounts for the large-scale structure of the Universe and why space and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) appear to be largely uniform in all directions. However, to date, no … Continue reading

First Ever ‘Exomoon’ Orbiting Planet Outside Our Solar System

Scientists have reported the first ever discovery of a moon orbiting around an ‘exoplanet’ – a planet that exists outside of the Earth’s solar system. Thousands of exoplanets have previously been found by astronomers, with some suggesting they could possibly support life, but this is the first time scientists have ever found what they believe is a moon orbiting one … Continue reading

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Super-Rich to Freeze Their Brains to be ‘Restored’ in 200 Years

The ultra-wealthy are ready to spend huge amounts of cash to have their brains frozen after their death in the hope of being re-born in the future. Deep-pocketed citizens are reportedly paying $100,000 for cryogenic preservation of their brains in liquid. The service is being provided by the Arizona-based Alcor Life Extension Foundation. The company is led by Bristol-born scientist … Continue reading

Planet Nine Hunters Find New Dwarf planet ‘The Goblin’

The Goblin dwarf planet may lead to Planet Nine’s discovery! via unexplained-mysteries: The important new find also hints at the presence of another, much larger planet in the outer solar system. This icy, distant world, which measures a mere 300km across, was found by a team of astronomers who had been hunting for the enigmatic and elusive Planet Nine. Named … Continue reading

Asteroid Possibly Larger Than the Statue of Liberty to Make Close Earth Pass at over 37,000 mph

Imagine IF this large dense object travelling at over 37,000 mph entered our atmosphere! via RT: A huge asteroid dubbed 2018 SP1 is hurtling towards Earth. The space rock is estimated to be about the size of the Statue of Liberty or larger. The giant space rock, discovered by NASA on September 19, is closing in on Earth at the … Continue reading

CERN Particle Accelerator Experiments Fail Could Shrink Earth to 330ft, Warns Astronomer

Doomsday warnings seem to come and go, but each time they are sounded we can’t help but take heed. There is always a possibility that this time could be real. Ever since the Large Hadron Collider – Cern’s record-breaking atom smasher began operations, many have voiced concerns over what would happen if the particle accelerator managed to inadvertently create a … Continue reading

The Meaning of Life Based on How Evolution Shaped Our Brains

What is the purpose of life? Whatever you may think is the answer, you might, from time to time at least, find your own definition unsatisfactory. After all, how can one say why any living creature is on Earth in just one simple phrase? For me, looking back on 18 years of research into how the human brain handles language, … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

