The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Currently browsing: STRANGE /UNEXPLAINED

Spate of Cow Mutilations in Argentina After ‘Strange Lights’ Seen in Sky, Some Say Aliens!

Local farmers in Santa Fe, north-eastern Argentina, have seen seven cows killed and mutilated with some believing extraterrestrials are killing the bovine animals. Witnesses claim the cows look as if they were attacked with lasers, while strange markings were also found on their tongues and genitals. Farmers in the region are blaming aliens or the mythical chupacabra – a myth … Continue reading

Is the End Near? End of Civilization in 2040 Predicted by 1973 Computer Model

This seems to fit right into the scheme of things lately. With extreme heat in some parts of the world and unusual cold in other parts, massive wild fires, oceans dying due to pollution and acidity, nuclear poisoning from the many nuclear plant accidents and also from intentional nuke weapons testing, increase in drought globally, Sun spots declining, Sun’s over … Continue reading

Cloaked Triangle Craft Missouri
Was This A “Cloaked” Triangle Craft Over Kansas City, Missouri?

On Aug 8, 2018 the witness was driving south (east) on I-35 just outside of Kansas City, Missouri at 6 pm. It was a cloudy day so he was checking out the formations when he noticed a darker triangular shape, just, hanging out. So he pulled out his phone and recorded what he could. The triangle stayed there from what … Continue reading

Multiple Personality Disorder and the ‘Hard Problem of Consciousness’

Ready to have your mind blown? A new paper published in The Journal of Consciousness Studies claims that consciousness isn’t a unique property of humans-rather, the entire universe is conscious, and humans are all manifestations of its multiple personalities. The proposition, based on research into dissociative identity disorder in humans, is meant to solve a perennial problem in philosophy: the “hard problem” of finding where consciousness … Continue reading

‘Alien Craft’ Discovered at the Bermuda Triangle Using Maps Made by NASA Astronaut

A treasure-hunter exploring the depths of the Bermuda Triangle using a secret map made by NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper in space has made a mysterious discovery which he claims may prove the region was visited by aliens. Explorer Darrell Miklos has been investigating more than 100 magnetic ‘anomalies’ using maps created in the 1960s by his friend and famed NASA … Continue reading

NASA Astronaut Thinks He May Have Seen an ‘Organic Looking’ Alien

NASA control center wrote off the weird sighting as ice that broke off a Freon hose, but the astronaut thinks otherwise. US astronaut Leland Melvin has shared his first encounter with what he thinks might have been an alien on Twitter. Melvin, after being asked by the UFO Sightings Daily, said he once saw a “translucent, curved, organic looking” alien … Continue reading

Is the Heatwave Behind Major Spike in Calls to Paranormal Investigators

The scorching heatwave is being blamed for causing a massive increase in paranormal activities in people’s homes around the South West region. This is according to ghost hunter expert Gary Parsons of the Plymouth Paranormal Investigators (PPI), who says they have received a “major spike” in the number of calls during the past two months. Some people have even been … Continue reading

Flashed Of Light Skies
Unexplained Orange Flashes of Light Witnessed Over North Carolina

There seems to many types of strange flashes in the sky and seem to be happening more frequently and no one knows what they are or what might be causing them. In this video from MrMB333 we see bright orange flashes recorded in the sky over North Carolina. These flashes are not related to known sources such as lightning or … Continue reading

Mysterious Disappearance of Pilot in 1978, Reported Seeing UFO

A FLIGHT to an island off Tasmania ended with a terrifying radio call and a vanishing pilot. Forty years on, there’s still no explanation. “IT IS hovering and it is not an aircraft.” These are the last words anyone ever heard Frederick Valentich say before his radio cut off and he, and the aircraft he was piloting, were never seen … Continue reading

Did Decades-Long Investigation Solve the Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle?

British oceanographers have concluded a decades-long investigation into the Bermuda Triangle and finally determined what is behind the hundreds of mysterious disappearances in the region. The mysterious 700,000sqm triangle, stretching between the tip of Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, and has been the center of public fascination for over 100 years, when reports first started emerging of an unusual amount … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

