‘Proof That They Are Already Here’: UFO Spotted Entering Alien Base in Canada, Blogger Claims

“…the strange object was “coming down to enter a tunnel to an underground alien base.”

by Andrei Dergalin
via Sputniknews

Arguing that the exact location of the alleged base “would be very difficult to discern,” the blogger – who often makes ridiculous claims backed up by no substantial evidence whatsoever – insisted that he would be able to find it if he “were there.”

Footage showing a strange-looking shape in the air that may or may not be a UFO has prompted speculation by alien blogger Scott C. Waring about a possible alien base located nearby.

The video in question (the veracity of which could not be immediately confirmed) was apparently recorded in the vicinity of Cypress, Canada on 24 October, and shows some kind of “bright flickering object hovering and lowering slowly to the ground,” as the vid’s description on YouTube puts it.

“I captured this video and a picture of ‘something’ on Sunday morning at 11:18am and have no idea what it is,” the person who recorded the footage stated, as quoted by Waring. “It is way too big to be a helicopter and that is facing Southeast so it isn’t the moon setting plus it is too late in the morning and it is a clear blue sky. This is nothing we have ever seen before here!”

Waring himself, however, went even further with his description of the video, claiming in his blog that the strange object was “coming down to enter a tunnel to an underground alien base.”

“Its a very secluded area with a very low population around. Perfect for an entrance to an underground base. However if you went over and walked over that area, it would be very difficult to discern the exact location,” he claimed. “If I were there…I promise you, I would be able to find its exact location. It will be circular or oval, about 30-60 meter across and there will be bent and broken grass or if its dirt there will be large cracks in a circle pattern.”

Branding the video an “amazing capture of an alien craft entering an alien base in Canada,” Waring also declared that it’s “100 percent proof that aliens are already here.”
This is far from the first claim made by the blogger regarding alleged alien bases hidden on our planet.

Andrei Dergalin

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