This Program Stole People’s Minds!
What if your consciousness was stolen from you? This is exactly what happened to these people who got recruited into the 20 and back secret space program… The thing is, you might not even know that it is happening… The Rabbit Hole YouTube Headline Image: BIld av Gerd Altmann från Pixabay IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT … Continue reading
Consciousness May Persist After Death, Study Suggests
“It would certainly seem as though consciousness persists even when the heart has stopped beating.” unexplained-mysteries image credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 erpete Researchers now believe that consciousness may persist for up to 20 seconds after a person has clinically died. Time of death is usually recorded as the moment a person’s heart has stopped, however research into near-death experiences has … Continue reading
General Anesthesia and Normal Sleep Affect the Brain in Amazingly Similar Way as Consciousness Fades
“The effects of anesthesia and sleep on brain activity turned out to be surprisingly similar.” via University of Turku What happens in the brain when our conscious awareness of the surrounding world and of ourselves fades during general anesthesia and normal sleep? This fundamental question was studied with novel experimental designs and functional brain imaging by Finnish scientists. They succeeded … Continue reading
Researchers Attempt to Find the ‘Engine’ of Consciousness in the Brain
By Chris Barncard University of Wisconsin-Madison A small amount of electricity delivered at a specific frequency to a particular point in the brain will snap a monkey out of even deep anesthesia, pointing to a circuit of brain activity key to consciousness and suggesting potential treatments for debilitating brain disorders. Macaques put under with general anesthetic drugs commonly administered to … Continue reading
Consciousness Cannot Have Evolved
by Bernardo Kastrup The Institute of Art and Ideas The overwhelmingly validated theory of evolution tells us that the functions performed by our organs arose from associated increases in survival fitness. For instance, the bile produced by our liver and the insulin produced by our pancreas help us absorb nutrients and thus survive. Insofar as it is produced by the … Continue reading
Might Consciousness Pervade the Universe?
The question of exactly what consciousness is has puzzled philosophers and scientists alike for millennia. We – as in the human race – are conscious, meaning that on a day-to-day basis we perceive a great deal about the world around us. We feel – both physically and emotionally – and can not only ask big questions about our own existence, … Continue reading
Scientists Reveal Secret of Consciousness: Where THE MIND Lives Inside Your Brain
In a ground breaking study scientist have identified the exact location of the mind which gives us consciousness. Experts have edged closer to finally explaining how humans have consciousness in what is one of the greatest mysteries known to man. The brain remains a baffling subject, with scientists having more knowledge of the universe than they do the human brain. … Continue reading
Ancient Virus Could Have Led To Human Thinking
We all have consciousness, but explaining why and how our thoughts occur has always been a scientific mystery An ancient virus could be responsible for human consciousness, giving you the ability to think for yourself. New research has linked a human gene responsible for conscious thought to a virus that was spread in the early days of humanity. Two papers published … Continue reading
Stanton Friedman on Jacques Vallee and UFOs/Consciousness; An Interview by Alex Tsakiris
Now, when we talk about augmented reality, there are three important use cases that we think about… —Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook That’s Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, spreading Facebook’s Brave-New-World-Gospel re the merging of consciousness and computing. He’s actually taking his foot off the pedal a little bit with this group of developers. If you search for some of his more … Continue reading
The Link Between Quantum Physics and the Human Mind is Beyond Bizarre
“I cannot define the real problem, therefore I suspect there’s no real problem, but I’m not sure there’s no real problem.” The American physicist Richard Feynman said this about the notorious puzzles and paradoxes of quantum mechanics, the theory physicists use to describe the tiniest objects in the Universe. But he might as well have been talking about the equally … Continue reading