Everyone Should See This Side of Cows, A Heart-Warming Video
This is a heart warming video of cows that were set free after a long winter season. Cows should be free to roam in large fields, and be completely free. Looking at the emotional response of excitement in this video is very heart warming. Although it’s nice that science has finally recognized the consciousness of animals, it’s something we already … Continue reading
The Cow Family Stranded by the New Zealand Earthquake has been Saved
As you know we posted this yesterday, here is the link if you missed it: 7.8 Magnitude Quake in New Zealand Leaves Cows Stranded on Small Island of Grass Thank you to one of readers named Randa for sharing the update story. Here is the UPDATE: The New Zealand earthquake left cows stranded on an island as the land around … Continue reading
7.8 Magnitude Quake in New Zealand Leaves Cows Stranded on Small Island of Grass
The powerful earthquake ripped apart a grass pasture, but three cows managed to survive on a small patch of grass. Three New Zealand cows found themselves stranded on a small island of grass after an earthquake triggered landslides that swallowed the earth around them. Footage from New Zealand’s Newshub shows two cows and a calf trapped near the coastal community … Continue reading