Geneticists Puzzled by Octopus’s Unique Genes: Seem to Have Appeared Out of Nowhere
“”…octopus genome is comparable to the human genome in size and complexity. In fact, it has “a greater number of protein-coding genes — some 33,000, compared with fewer than 25,000 in Homo sapiens,…”” by David Coppedge via evolution news & science today Cephalopods, from the Latin for “head-foot,” are among the strangest creatures in the ocean. Though classified in phylum … Continue reading
Geniuses Behind Discovery Of DNA Claim Our Genes Were Brought By Extraterrestrials!
The human genome is very complex and holds a bigger mystery than we think. Mainstream science teaches us that humans came into existence by a chance of random colliding molecules and eventual evolution. But many experts believe that there’s probably alot more to it. What if the geniuses behind the discovery of the DNA structure of the DNA molecule claim … Continue reading