Source Code for iPhone Leaked Online, at Risk from Hackers

A source code for a key component of the iPhone’s operating system was leaked online, potentially handing hackers coveted data which will make it easier to break into iOS. It was removed after Apple filed a takedown request. The code posted on GitHub is for the iOS 9.3 version of iBoot, a vital component of iOS which ensures the booting … Continue reading

With Claims of C.I.A. Hacking, How to Protect Your Devices

Want to protect against surveillance through your iPhones, Android devices, Wi-Fi routers and Samsung televisions? Update, update, update. WikiLeaks this week published a trove of documents that appears to detail how the Central Intelligence Agency successfully hacked a wide variety of tech products, including iPhones, Android devices, Wi-Fi routers and Samsung televisions. That’s just about every major category of consumer … Continue reading

iPhones Secretly Send Call History to Apple, Security Firm Says

APPLE EMERGED AS a guardian of user privacy this year after fighting FBI demands to help crack into San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone. The company has gone to great lengths to secure customer data in recent years, by implementing better encryption for all phones and refusing to undermine that encryption. But private information still escapes from Apple products … Continue reading

