
Terral’s Project Black Star Update Report 2017 – Issue 50

Black Star Update Report December 14, 2017

Seismic event indicators say Earth is moving through the second and final earth-change lull period for the 2017 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation.

Year-over-year weekly seismic-event values for Week 43 are below average across the board except for the 6-magnitude earthquake events recording five events over the reporting period. The 5-magnitude earthquake weekly-event number is trying to reach the sub-20 value that generally takes place near the end of the earth-change lull periods. The year-over-year weekly seismic event values with no 7-mag quake events show that Earth is following the 2016 pattern with slightly fewer of the 5-magnitude earthquake events; because Earth is seeing fewer of the deep earthquake events in Earth mantle transition zone on both sides of the Indonesia/Fiji Seismic/Volcanic Origination Zone.

Week-over-week seismic-event values show a small bounce in global earthquake activity for the 6-mag and 2.5 to 4-magnitude events, as our planet has passed the peak of the recent earth-change uptick period with global earthquake values decreasing across the board except for the 6-magnitude earthquake events that increased by one to five over what we have seen for the last two reporting periods. Add the weekly-event values together for the 6-mag quake events to realize that thirteen of these higher-mag events is the high-water mark for the last two years matching Weeks 44-46 for the 2016 Earth orbit cycle.

Earth has seen just one of the deep earthquake event in Earth mantle transition zone(Wiki) over the last seven days on the Fiji side(USGS) of the Seismic/Volcanic Origination Zone representing the lowest-weekly value we have seen for months. The 5-magnitude earthquake events have disappeared completely near the terminal ends of Buoyancy-barrier Corridors #1 (Cascadia to the north) and #2 (Mexico West Coast to the south), which is typical activity moving through the earth-change lull periods. Note that all 5-magnitude earthquake activity has stopped completely along Buoyancy-barrier corridor #2 extending from Fiji across the South Pacific to Chile, which we can connect to the lack of deep earthquake-event activity in the Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone.

Turn Earth around to see diminishing earthquake activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where we have seen robust activity for the last month or so moving through the peak of the recent earth-change uptick period. Seismic activity that has increased and progressed westward along Buoyancy-barrier Corridor #3 moving through the peak of the uptick period is now retreating east towards the Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone, as we should expect moving through a well-defined earth change lull period like the data suggests. Our primary earth-change Watch Area along Buoyancy-barrier corridor #1 remains between Alaska to the north and Japan to the west and south with seismic-volcanic pressures retracing steps back to Indonesia. The Watch Area along Buoyancy-barrier corridor #2 on the Americas side has shifted south from Mexico through Central America into South America retreating to Fiji. Our planet has been orbiting away from the Black Star since November 19, 2017 causing Earth core to cool, while the number of deep earthquake events in Earth mantle transition zone are near zero; which means the chances of seeing many big earthquake events arediminishing. The narrowing diameter of the corridors and lack of deep earthquake events point to an uneventful earth-change lull period running to the third week of February 2017. A low number of deep earthquake events in the Origination Zone will see more deep magma-plume formation consolidation, while increased activity sends massive magma plume energy coursing through the narrowing corridors to test the formation terminal ends for potentially producing large-magnitude earthquake events.

Black Star Position Dec_14-2017

The projected Black Star position is circled in white, just to the right of Venus above the Sun. Earth is moving through the safest quadrant of the solar system within the horseshoe formation of Black Star orbit path, which means a Black Star/magnetically-induced geological pole shift is impossible moving through the coming winter and early spring from our northern hemisphere perspective. Mars begins testifying as a great witness in this case beginning March 4, 2018, when the red planet passes between the Sun and Jupiter to enter Black Star space. We pay careful attention to where the Martian dust storms begin for determining whether the Black Star is beyond or inside Mars orbit path. I keep expecting to see more news about earth changes on Jupiter, but was only able to locate one related article for this week(here) that includes information about a “New Radiation Zone” discovered on the largest planet in our solar system. Earth will pass behind the Sun relative to Saturn on December 21, 2017 at 21:12 UTC, which creates a possible earthquake-event window from December 18th through about December 24thwith the ringed planet and Earth playing roles in the solar system harmonics equation. Earth could receive an electromagnetic jolt moving through this period, but these are only modeling projections with nothing written in stone.

Earth saw six new volcanic eruption events in the last seven days with only one event taking place in the Indonesia/Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone on the Indonesia side (Bali), which was the case for last week. The Fox Islands and Central Kamchatka volcanic eruption events took place in the Watch Area shifting west from Alaska along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor #1, which includes the Philippines event where volcanism pressures appear to be passing through in route to Indonesia. The new volcanic eruption events in Guatemala and Chile continue the trend from last week, as deep magma-plume energy appears to be reverberating throughout the deep magma-plume formation network. I will be surprised to see a high number of new volcanic eruption events in the absence of deep earthquake events in Earth mantle transition zone for the coming weeks. We shall see.


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