
Terral’s Project Black Star Update Report 2019 – Newsletter 08

Seismic event indicators say Earth is at the end of the second and final earth-change lull period for the 2018 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation relative to the Sun.

Year-over-year weekly seismic-event values for Week 52 show none of the7+ magnitude earthquake events for the last five years and just over one of the 6-magnitude earthquakes events for the year-over-year-weekly average.Twenty-eightof the 5-magnitude earthquake events for this week is right at the year-over-year weekly-event-total average (28.5)with 285 of the 2.5-to-4 magnitude earthquake events being very close to what we saw last year for Week 52. Again, the evidence shows
that my prediction that baseline-minimum value for the 5-mag quakes is rising from 20 to something near 25(28), while the new 2.5-to-4 mag quake-minimum value is also rising to something between 250 and 300(285) since the investigation started in January 2011.The standout values for me above are the 291* and 285* for the smaller indicator quakes where the year-over-year weekly-event values are obviously rising for the last two orbit cycles.

We continue waiting for Quake-event Six in the Seven-big-quake Series where the final event is expected to strike in the New Guinea region, which was the case for the 2016 and 2017 Earth orbit cycles relative to the Black Star. While the 2018 seismic activity followed the 2016 pattern exactly for Quakes one through five, the evidence shows that the pattern was broken part of the shifting Global Tectonic-Volcanic Dynamic.

That said, Quakes five and six for last year struck in Week 53 ending the 2017 orbit cycle and Week 02 of the 2018 orbit cycle, when means the final two quakes in the expected series can easily still be in the cards.

All seismic indicators say that Earth has reached the 90-degree position relative to the Sun and Black Star reaching minimum values at outside-orbital position. Simply look up at the weekly-event-total values for the 6-magnitude earthquake events for any two-week period showing a zero and a one together in consecutive weeks. The last time Earth had just one of the 6-magnitude earthquake events in a USGS fourteen-day reporting period happened in Weeks 24 and 25, just before Earth reached the 90-degree position in August on the far side of the solar system. The evidence says that Earth is nearing the anticipated-powerful-electromagnetic Jolt expected to trigger a flurry of activity, because the Black Star-Earth magnetic portal connection that lengthened for the last three months is about to begin shorting to increase Black Star electromagnetic potential.

Earth saw six deep earthquake events on the Fiji-side of the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone (lower left): adding increased energy to the Deep Magma Plume Formation than we saw for last week and particularly along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor 2. Note the distinction now being made in my reporting regarding Corridor 2A (north into Cascadia) and Corridor 2B created by the mantle plume-hotspot connection made to the Deep Magma Plume Formation at Galapagos. All indications are that the Deep Magma Plume Formation in the Corridor 2B region has pushed below the Continental United States with increased movement also taking place into the Atlantic Ocean (diagram below). While the 6.3 Papua New Guinea Quake (USGS) struck just above Earth mantle transition zone this larger-magnitude quake event will cause magma upwelling and possibly signs of crustal displacement in the region. The three deep Japan Quakes (USGSUSGSUSGS) all struck on February 18, 2019 about eight hours apart with the “Twin-Pair” Events striking at almost identical depths with less than a two-minute separation. The notable quake event for me struck with the 4.0 Utah Quake (USGS) striking at the 8.2-k depth, which Eric asked me about during yesterday’s interview. The Cascadia region has remained moderately active for some time making me believe that the horn formations atop the Deep Magma Plume Formation along this primary corridor have grown taller with increased-flexible structure allowing for quicker rising-falling activity triggered by harmonic-tremor activity originating under Fiji.

The big uptick in seismic activity we saw in Eastern Africa along the midpoint of Corridor 4 last week has diminished to consolidate in the region southwest of Madagascar with increased activity at the projected Terminal-End position. We are looking at seismic patterns helping us identify how deep-magma-plume-wave action is coursing back and forth through the buoyancy-barrier corridor from Origination-Zone-harmonic-tremor activity triggering these earthquake tremors at the 10-kilometer depth. Corridor 3 (above) that had no seismic activity west of the Middle East last week now shows a big-activity uptick where the Terminal-End position has been pushed through the Gibraltar region and likely to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge into the Corridor 2B-3 Convergence Area highlighted at the upper left. While the Terminal-End positions of Corridors 2A, 2B, 3 and 4 show seismic-activity upticks, there are no signs of any seismic activity near the Terminal End position of Corridor 1 in the Iceland region, which indicates that the deep-magma-plume-wave action is already sending energy back to the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone.

Five new-volcanic-eruption events struck the globe this week up from just two events last week, when Earth was moving towards the 90-degree-position relative to the Sun and Black Star in the Libra Constellation. Two events erupted in the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone (Siau IslandEastern Java) where deep-magma upwelling from deep-quake activity is playing a key role. The Eastern Kamchatka (Russia) event erupted near the elbow-position of Corridor 1 and likely caused by deep-magma-plume-wave action returning to the Origination Zone from the Corridor Terminal End position near Iceland mentioned above. The new-volcanic-eruption event at the Reunion Island location (Piton de la Fouraise) erupted near the midpoint-location of Corridor 4, which should be no surprise from the big uptick in activity we saw from last week in our Watch Area. The Costa Rica (Poas) event struck in Central America northwest of the Galapagos Islands location where the Mantle Plume Connection was made giving Corridor 2B a life of its own producing a series of anomalous earth-change activity in the Gulf of Mexico (heat anomalies), the Caribbean (rare new volcanic-eruption events) and the new seismic activity pushing out this week to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The 2018 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star officially ended on February 16, 2019 with earth-change data coming in for Week 1 of the 2019 cycle as we speak that ends this weekend on Saturday night at midnight. Get the latest seismic-volcanic-eruption events here and here.


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