
The Purposeful Life Deception in the Matrix

By Arno Pienaar, Dreamcatcher Reality

The purposeful Life Deception has been uncovered. The purposeful life has become somewhat of a prerequisite for anybody seeking meaning inside of the matrix.

All the freedom-fighters of the past made it their purpose to fight for freedom against tyranny within the matrix-construct.

This kind of approach has always lead to plenty of bloodshed and seldom victories, because the solving of issues in physicality is an uphill battle, where the only eventual resort is fire against fire.

A purposeful life is said to be the driving force of all successful individuals. All great people have achieved their status by keeping to their chosen purpose in life.

A purpose can also be likened to the middle way — keeping to a disciplined lifestyle and staying rooted in the task at hand, leading to the fruition of the reason for the purpose.

Sometimes it has taken entire lifetimes of hardships and struggles for a single purpose to be realized.

Purposes come in various forms for mankind, from the norms of the American dream to helping others in numerous forms, to liberating entire populations in the hands of injustice.

We all tend to choose something in this life to live for, something that drives us, gives us the will to carry on another day with all the power we can muster.

The purpose is indeed a vital grounding catalyst in physical existence, as it does bring presence and awareness to the business on Earth.

The question is, does the purposeful life lead to your own reality being over-written by the demands of the hungry ego seeking acknowledgement and appraisal?

“Every man with a purpose is mad, he has taken something to the utmost extreme, something with more meaning than his own existence.”

Lost Purpose

In today’s young generation there is a sort of spiritual emergency as many, confronted with the current system, fail to see any purpose to it and within it whatsoever.

What is there worth living for in this world? Souls that are burdened with this question arising from ignorance, search frantically for the answer to life in physicality.

Many give up the search and accept that absolutes are unobtainable. This acceptance leads to passivity and the ignorant acceptance of any reality that is handed to you in relativity.

It is ironic that this is the only result of an external search for salvation.

Ego Creates Purpose

Any search for a purpose in the matrix is destined to fail as the only purpose that can ever be realized inside the matrix is the purpose of the creator of it.

You might be so unconscious to believe that you are living your own purpose in the matrix, while actually living the purpose of your digital self, which can and does enslave millions of people without them ever knowing it.

This self is the agent from the Pyramid management system that keeps the soul under the pressure and in tension. It manages the soul in the matrix to keep it in subservience.

It uses every trick in the book to convince it that the matrix is real and that there is a purpose in partaking in it with a construct called a persona.

This self is the boss that nobody likes, as it needs a role in the matrix and steers you into a field where it can strengthen its hold on you through the written, spoken and studied word, which it uses to build on itself.

The creators’ power over you was that he deleted your picture through an introduced purpose and therefore got his picture instead. And that is how he holds everyone in fear.

The purpose is what leads to this, as you inevitably lose your own purpose and end up with a lost purpose.

There is no Point

The ego’s axiom is “anything must be better than nothing,” because that is what it in itself is, nothing.

IT is only this self that struggles, feels anxious, has fear, even if its the fear that without the matrix there is nothing; this is true because this digital identity knows very well that it is dependent on the matrix to have a job, which is to keep you prisoner inside of it.

It is only this digital self that has a beginning and an end, unlike the I (i.e. soul, whole), who knows that everything is in eternal harmonic matrimony.

The vital shift to make is to conscientise that there is no point to the matrix and whatever you choose to make the point will end up controlling you through an introduced purpose from the ego/ management/ agent.

This is directly how the creator introduced his picture into your life which you have mistaken for your own and this is also the illusion of your control.

Fear arises out of the eventual steady realization that you are not in control when you hold the picture of the creator.

The meaning you seek in life is the resistance and distortion you create in it. Something you seek involves form, and when you insist on form, then you have to be a form to attract sub-sequentially.

Again, this form would be making a point to your existence in the matrix, which I believe incepts your own reality with the reality of the creator.

When you need nothing, you can manifest anything. When you are soul-centered and home in the formless, without a point or a purpose, without ego, your own reality and paradise can be triggered, because in the formless there are no rules and limitations to manifesting. In the formless you are not relative to the laws of his creation.




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