The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.
Particles from Space are Wreaking Low-Level Havoc on Your Personal Electronics

You may not realize it but alien subatomic particles raining down from outer space are wreaking low-grade havoc on your smartphones, computers and other personal electronic devices. When your computer crashes and you get the dreaded blue screen or your smartphone freezes and you have to go through the time-consuming process of a reset, most likely you blame the manufacturer: … Continue reading

IBM Created an “Impossible” Molecule that Could Power Quantum Computers

Chemists hate being beaten by physicists at their own game. At IBM Research, physicist Leo Gross and his team have done just that. Gross’s team made a triangular molecule that chemists have found impossible to produce by conventional chemistry. To rub it in even more, Gross and his colleagues may go even further by using these molecules to create long … Continue reading

The United Arab Emirates has a Plan to Colonize Mars in the Next 100 Years, and the Oil Money to Finance it

When Elon Musk went before an international space conference in Mexico and announced his vision of a Mars transportation system built by his company SpaceX, attendees were enthralled by the technology—and despairing of the price tag, which at a bare minimum of $10 billion seemed out of reach for the private sector and the United States’ cash-strapped space agency. But … Continue reading

Communicating From Beyond the Grave? New Technology Forcing Us to Confront Ethics of Bringing People Back from the Dead

Imagine you have a close friend you frequently communicate with via text. One day, they suddenly die. You reel, you cry, you attend their funeral. Then you decide to pick up your phone and send them a message, just like old times. “I miss you,” you type. A little response bubble appears at the bottom of the screen. “I miss … Continue reading

New Era of Healthcare? Scientists Have Developed a Tool that Lets Smartphones Analyze DNA

The discovery that all life is underpinned by a genetic code has changed our understanding of everything in biology. And, yet, given that DNA is thousands of times smaller than a human hair, most of the applications that involve its use have remained restricted to sophisticated labs. No longer. Over the past decade, miniaturization of computers and lab equipment has … Continue reading

Scientists Revive Dead Brains, Discover Key To Consciousness

Dreams and depictions of immortality can be found throughout human history. From Judeo-Christian ideas of Heaven and Hell to Hindu concepts of reincarnation, almost all religions and cultures have some iteration of eternal life found within their beliefs, folklore, or art. Let’s face it: who among us hasn’t at least once entertained the notion of living forever? While it could … Continue reading

World is Barrelling Towards the “Post-Work Economy”; Work is Over, And it’s Not Good News

AS WE start the year full of good intentions to flourish at work, social scientists are warning our careers could be over sooner than we expect. The world is barrelling towards what has been dubbed the “post-work economy”, as technology replaces humans at an unprecedented rate. Driverless cars are set to make millions of truckies and taxi drivers redundant and … Continue reading

Mysterious Sonic Booms Are Being Heard on the Moon

A sonic boom is heard when the shock waves created by an aircraft, a meteor or some other object traveling through the air at a speed faster than the speed of sound reach a human ear or some other listening device. A new study has found that there are sonic booms being generated on the Moon right now. Lots of … Continue reading

The Connections Between Nikola Tesla and Donald Trump

Do we need another conspiracy theory involving the president-elect? Yes, especially if the theory is about connections between him and Nikola Tesla. This goes back to January 7, 1943 – the day Tesla died in the Hotel New Yorker in New York City. Two days later the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla’s belongings, … Continue reading

New Plane is Designed to Reach 24 Times the Speed of Sound

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just taken off from London on our flight to New Zealand. If you look out of the right side of the plane, you can see the Auckland Airport because we’re about to land. Thank you for flying Antipode Airlines. An antipode is a spot on the other side of the Earth that can be connected to … Continue reading

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The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

