The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

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NASA’s Physics-Defying EM Drive To Be Tested In Space

NASA’s EM Drive will be tested in space sometime in the next six months, according to reports published Tuesday by ScienceAlert. An EM Drive will be launched into space aboard a small satellite. The drive will be launched into a decaying orbit, which it can only maintain if it functions properly. The EM Drive is extremely contentious among scientists, since … Continue reading

The Above Top Secret Space Program Built With Reverse-engineered Alien Technology

In 1993, during a lecture at the UCLA Alumini Center, Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed Martin held a very interesting speech about technological advancements in space engineering in a period of forty years. He concluded his speech with the following quote: We now have the technology to take ET home.” – Ben Rich, CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, 1993 … Continue reading

Warner Bros Fingers Themselves In Zealous Anti-Piracy Efforts

Warner Bros has its own anti-piracy arm to protect its lucrative business, but it appears the company has bloodied its own nose by flagging its official website during a bid to weed out those refusing to pay for its products. The film studio has a history of using partner Vobile Inc to find and enforce the removal of unauthorized content. … Continue reading

Pasadena Bears Beat the Heat in Neighborhood Pools

It must be unbearably hot in California, because a mama bear and her two cubs had to take a dip to cool off. While they don’t own the pools that they splashed around in, they certainly made themselves at home – literally. The heat in Pasadena has been getting to some residents, especially the ones covered in fur. Perhaps that’s … Continue reading

The Greatest Discovery Never Seen — Part 1 – Humanity as a Supernova Event by GW Hardin

Editor’s Note: Very interesting read. As stated in the title, this is part one. Part two will be posted the next Sunday and part 3 the next. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY NEVER SEEN: Part 1 … Humanity as a Supernova Event by GW Hardin This year a scientific experiment out of Australia led to a scientific discovery of supernova proportions … … Continue reading

CIA-Backed D-Wave Quantum Computer Can Tap into Alternate Universes – Will Change Your View Of Reality Forever

Meanwhile as everyone was busy arguing over the bread and circus elections, the CIA was busy funding a computer so powerful that it is described as “tapping into the fundamental fabric of reality” and the man who owns the company says being near one is like “standing at the altar of an alien God.” What exactly do you suppose they … Continue reading

Mysterious Anomaly: Reversal of Stratospheric Wind Pattern Observed for the First Time

Earth’s stratosphere lies just above the red-orange troposphere in this photo snapped by International Space Station astronauts in 2011. Late last year, unusual wind behavior interrupted a reliable stratospheric wind pattern known as the quasi-biennial oscillation. Credit: NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth For the first time, scientists have observed a deviation from the typical alternating pattern of easterly … Continue reading

Free! Cat Escapes Glass Jar With A Little Help

Salvation for a cat that got its head stuck in a glass jar came from a potentially alarming source: men armed with a hammer. What could possibly go wrong? But the men carefully shattered the glass and did not hurt the cat. Editor’s Comment: As scary as this seems (using a hammer and broken glass by the cat’s neck etc.) … Continue reading

Japan’s $320 Million Gamble at Fukushima: An Underground Ice Wall

FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI NUCLEAR POWER STATION — The part above ground doesn’t look like much, a few silver pipes running in a straight line, dwarfed by the far more massive, scarred reactor buildings nearby. More impressive is what is taking shape unseen beneath: an underground wall of frozen dirt 100 feet deep and nearly a mile in length, intended to solve … Continue reading

NOT A DRILL: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal From Deep Space

If the signal is truly from an alien world, it’s one far more advanced than ours. An international team of scientists from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is investigating mysterious signal spikes emitting from a 6.3-billion-year-old star in the constellation Hercules—95 light years away from Earth. The implications are extraordinary and point to the possibility of a civilization far … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

