Did the US Navy Really Turn a Ship Invisible?

This video takes a closer look at one of the most infamous conspiracy theories in American history; the Philadelphia Experiment! Legend says that in 1943, the US Navy secretly turned an entire warship invisible… and teleported it to another location, 200 miles away! But what do YOU think about this enduring mystery? Unveiled YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE … Continue reading

Top Secret Time Travel Hidden At The Vatican

This video takes a closer look at a one of the strangest time travel conspiracy theories out there, and it goes right to the top of the Catholic Church! Rumours of time travel within the Vatican have never really gone away… so what’s really happening at the home of the Pope?? Unveiled YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL … Continue reading

Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed

An alternative take on the 1969 lunar landing presents a different picture of the event that governments may be secretly covering. Absolute Documentaries YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below

The Most Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies!

Secret societies: They operate out of the shadows and, despite their small number of members, direct the history of this world. If you follow the many conspiracy theories that have popped up around the world, it is not the governments, the influential corporations or the banks that pull the international strings, but top-secret organizations whose exact membership and purpose is … Continue reading

Secret Space Program Disclosure and the Vril Society – ROBERT SEPEHR

Secretary of Defense James Forrestal sent a naval task force to invade Antarctica, called “Operation Highjump”. Over 4,500 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia consisting of three Naval battle armadas departed from 3 separate locations in 1946. Admiral Byrd was given unlimited funding to complete the mission, which did not go as planned, as Byrd suffered massive casualties, … Continue reading

Secret scoiety YT Doc 1241847
Top 5 Most Mysterious and Powerful Secret Societies

Did you know that Katy Perry and Madonna are allegedly part of the Illuminati? Here are five of the top mysterious real life secret societies and organizations ever in the history of the world. Find out more about the conspiracy theories surrounding these scary groups and how they influenced politics on earth. Illuminati, Skull and Bonus, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Bilderberg group, … Continue reading

Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Is it More Than Just A ‘Movie’?

While Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind is renowned for its sense of cinematic mystery and awe, the meta-fiction that surrounds it was just as intriguing. Conspiracy theories. Unusual storms. Warnings from NASA. And in 2005, information posted to the internet by a group of US Defense Intelligence Agency insiders gave rise to the notion that … Continue reading

Nikola Tesla Was Contacted by Aliens, Biographer Claims

For a number of reasons, Serbian-American inventor and futurist Nikola Tesla has become synonymous with government cover-ups, corporate intrigue, and near-mystical technological wizardry. Today, many conspiracy theories surround Tesla’s work and legacy, most of which involve allegations that the U.S. government confiscated most of the personal records and journals Tesla kept while inventing the future. While there might have been … Continue reading

