The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

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Some Weird Things That Happen During a Total Solar Eclipse

Everyone talks about how visually stunning it is when the darkened Moon fully covers the face of the Sun in a total solar eclipse. And indeed, it is! But there are other unusual, truly strange happenings that occur when the Moon passes in front of the Sun. If you aren’t prepared to look for them, some of these weird phenomena … Continue reading

Study of Dying Patients Reveals ‘Brain Surge’ in Final Moments of Life

Patrick Coghlan was dying. He was peaceful and motionless, and his daughter, Mairead O’Connor, sat by his bedside, knowing the end was not far. Suddenly — shockingly — he roused from his unconscious state, sat bolt upright, opened his eyes wide, and waved at something or someone only he could see. Mrs O’Connor likes to think it was her late … Continue reading

Study Finds that ‘Antisocial Bees’ Share Genetic Profile with Autistic Humans

Antisocial bees that prefer to keep to themselves rather than buzzing around with the rest of the hive share a genetic profile with people who have autism, a condition often leading to a similar lack of social awareness in humans, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Illinois observed the social behavior of honey bees, with postdoctoral … Continue reading

Scientists Decode DNA; See and Touch the Force That Gives Us Life

People have never been closer to actually SEEING how life of all possible organic forms in the Universe, including in human, functions at the most basic level. To appreciate the importance of this discovery, let’s first recall that the life-forming chemical element hydrogen (H) is the most abundant in the Universe. Consisting of just one proton and one electron, it … Continue reading

NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft Detects Building Blocks of Life on Titan

WOW! via unexplained-mysteries: Titan is continuing to surprise scientists. Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan may be a lot more habitable than scientists had previously believed. Titan is a place that, on the outset, appears to possess many things that seem uncannily familiar – oceans, rivers, snow-capped mountains and even an active weather system. Take a closer look however and it soon … Continue reading

UFO Deactivated 10 Nukes in Silos, Claims Air Force Captain

With the current tensions of nuclear posturing among many countries including India vs Pakistan vs China vs US vs Russia and N. Korea thrown in the mix I sure hope ‘they’ (the aliens or UFOs) can really do this. via Mysterious Universe: “With the passage of more than 50 years since my incident in Minot and 70 years since the … Continue reading

‘Angel Particle’ Discovery Could Lead to 100 MILLION Times Faster Computers

SCIENTISTS have made a major breakthrough after discovering an ‘Angel particle’ which has been theorised about for 80 years and could lead to a technological revolution that will make your modern day Mac seem like the very first Commodore computer. At the very beginning of the universe, the Big Bang created equal parts matter and anti-matter, so scientists believe. If … Continue reading

the key to happiness 14
Key to Happiness is TIME Study Says

What makes you happier, time or money ? According to researchers, stressing out over a lack of time is a leading cause of anxiety and depression. As modern lifestyles and work schedules become increasingly hectic, more and more people are experiencing what is known as “time famine”, the stressful feeling of having too much to do but not enough time … Continue reading

A Lifeless Mars? Study Says Red Planet Is Deadlier Than Previously Thought

Back in 1971, David Bowie famously posed the question, “is there life on Mars?” While many experts have thought the answer could be yes, a new study reveals this is unlikely – unless it’s hiding way underneath the cold planet’s surface. In lab tests conducted by Jennifer Wadsworth and Charles Cockell from the University of Edinburgh, chemical compounds called perchlorates … Continue reading

A Dramatic Change Occurred In Earth’s Chandler Wobble in 2005!

New analysis shows that the Chandler Wobble in Earth’s axis changed phase by 180 degrees in 2005. The question is why. If you travel to the Arctic and attempt to find the axis of Earth’s rotation, you’ll notice something odd. The position of this axis on Earth’s surface moves with a period of about seven years. This is the combined … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

