The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.
The Biggest Alien-Hunting Telescope in the World Just Unveiled by China

The truth is out there! China just finished installing the last piece in the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, which stretches the size of 30 soccer fields on the side of a mountain in the south-western province of Guizhou. The 500-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST for short, will be used to explore some of the most mysterious objects in … Continue reading

Beijing Is SINKING At A Rapid Rate Due To Depleted Groundwater

China’s capital of Beijing is literally sinking into the ground, a recent study found. “An international study led by Beijing-based researchers has discovered that the city is dropping by as much as 11 centimeters (4 inches) in some districts per year,” CNN reported Sunday. The sinking is happening because of the city’s depleted groundwater, with central districts the most severely … Continue reading

Life Forms from a Billion Years Ago Discovered

Scientists from China and the United States have discovered macroscopic life forms that were organizing over a billion years ago. The find in the Gaoyuzhuang rock formation in the Yanshan area in Northern China reveals centimeter-scale life forms over 1.5 billion years old. The published study states, “Fossils of macroscopic eukaryotes are rarely older than the Ediacaren Period (635-541 million … Continue reading

America nuclear explosion 1
WW3: Pentagon Prepares For Confrontation With Russia & China

One of many pieces of evidence of an upcoming WW3 is the increase in the military budget of the US. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s speech Tuesday previewing the Pentagon budget for fiscal year 2017 spelled out Washington’s advanced preparations for military confrontations with the world’s second- and third-largest nuclear powers, Russia and China. The presentation made by Carter, a longtime … Continue reading

Businessman Consulting Glowing Crystal Ball
World Predictions Until 2050 by Remote Viewer E.M Nicolay

Details about the future events that are going to happen by 2050 were predicted by a E.M Nicolay who is also known as Gene. Below are a few events written on our most probable present and future timeline: Around March 2015, there was an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin by Western covert operations. During this time, he mysteriously disappeared from … Continue reading

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The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

