Shocking discovery: Number 58 etched into Mars and the Moon ‘proves aliens exist’

Alien investigators discovered numbers 58 etched both on the surface of the Moon and Mars. They consider is as proof of alien existence. The “markings” were reportedly found by Marcelo Irazusta and his son James who were scouring the software to see what came up. Sandra Elena Andrade uploaded a video about the finds entitled “Number 58 on the Moon … Continue reading

Unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and other Galaxies towards IT at 12 MILLION mph

Researchers are struggling to understand WHAT is ‘pulling’ our galaxy, the Milky Way, and other galaxies towards IT at an incredible speed of 22 million kilometers per hour. Just as the movement of tectonic plates shows the properties of the interior of the Earth, the motions of galaxies provides information about the main constituents of the Universe: Dark Matter and … Continue reading

Parallel Universes and the Déjà Vu phenomenon may be mysteriously connected

Most of us have had, at least once in our lifetime a ‘déjà vu’ experience, that mysterious feeling where time seems to pass by in slow-motion, where you perceive information in such a way as if you had already experienced the current situation sometime in the distant past. Ranging from paranormal disturbances and neurological disorders, researchers have been trying to … Continue reading

Unexplained Spiral Vortex Appears on Mexican Weather Radar

Weather radar pictures have emerged of what appears to be a huge spiral vortex covering the entire country of Mexico on December 26th. Could it be a ghost of some hurricane past or worse – a ghostly prediction of a hurricane future? Is it related to other strange spirals seen on radar displays around the world? The video posted on … Continue reading

Paracas Alien Skull
DNA Analysis Proves That We Are Not Alone

The researchers proved that Paracas Skulls from Peru could be of alien origin. The results of a DNA analysis proved this. Researchers believe that the skulls are significantly different from any known to man and could only be the result of interbreeding between alien species and humans. There have always been suggestions that alien species influenced the ancient civilizations, such … Continue reading

The Origin of our civilization: The Constellation of Orion

Ancient civilizations had the ability to view and locate constellations in the sky without the help of a telescope. The Constellation of Orion is considered as one of the most important ones. Astronomers refer to Orion as M42, but ancient mankind knew about this constellation thousands of years before modern day astronomy, without telescopes such as the Hubble. The Orion … Continue reading

Is this really a portal opening above CERN?

US tourists who visited an area near CERN reported an unusual sighting of a vortex. Located in Geneva, Switzerland, the renowned CERN is a research organization that operates the largest particle accelerators in the world. The particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light, and through that scientists want to discover what the universe is … Continue reading

Crazy conspiracy claims Earth will be destroyed before the end of THIS year (Vote Within)

CONSPIRACY theorists claim to have snapped the first images of a huge mystery PLANET that believe will pass so close to Earth this month that it will ‘destroy all life on Earth’. Online doom-mongers believe a planet four times the size of gas giant Jupiter, which they think killed off the dinosaurs, is on course for a close-Earth pass before … Continue reading

planet with ufo
NASA and Space Agencies around the world are preparing society for Alien Disclosure
Former NASA employee: We had to keep silent about aliens

Another person came forward with the story about NASA covering the truth about aliens. According to a former NASA employee, the space agency concealed the presence of UFOs during the Moon landings. Donna Hare claims to have worked for computer and engineering contractor Philco Ford during the early 1970s, in NASA’s photo labs on and off the site of the … Continue reading

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