The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.
Neanderthals Could Have Died Out Because of Sex With Humans, New Study Suggests

“Scientist have discovered that a rare blood disorder, haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn (HDFN), could have had a deadly impact on the offspring of a sexual pairing between Neanderthals and humans…” by Alexandra Kashirina via Sputniknews Mixed offspring are said to have been particularly vulnerable to a rare disease that could cause fatal anemia, which usually occurs when … Continue reading

Neanderthals cooking vegetables, artwork. Like modern humans, Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) are members of the Homo genus. They inhabited Europe and western Asia between 230,000 and 29,000 years ago. They did not use complex tools but had mastery of fire and built shelters. It was thought that Neanderthals were exclusively carnivorous, but recent research published in 2010 has presented evidence that they cooked and ate plant matter. It is not known why they became extinct, but one theory is that they were outcompeted by modern humans (Homo sapiens).
Neanderthals’ Carb Loading, Helped Grow their Big Brains

“The finding suggests our ancestors had adapted to eating lots of starch by at least 600,000 years ago—about the same time as they needed more sugars to fuel a big expansion of their brains.” By Ann Gibbons via ScienceMag Headline Image Caption/Credit: A reconstruction of Neanderthal mealtime MAURICIO ANTON/SCIENCE SOURCE Here’s another blow to the popular image of Neanderthals as … Continue reading

Excavation In Siberia Reveals Fourth Fossil Clue To Mysterious Ancient Denisovan Humans

Three becomes four. The extraordinarily sparse fossil record of the Denisovans – an ancient form of human – has gained one more specimen: a tiny, worn tooth belonging to a young girl. It adds to evidence that the Denisovan population in what is now Siberia remained small for tens of thousands of years. The Denisovans are perhaps the most mysterious … Continue reading

Neanderthals Found to Have Had Complex Vegetarian Diets, Aussie Research Finds

Neanderthals have been revealed to have had varied and sometimes vegetarian diets, while some also used plant-based medicines to treat illnesses, according to Australian-led research on Thursday. Often thought of by many as simple “cave men” with only weak links to modern humans, Laura Weyrich from the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA has said analysis of Neanderthal dental plaque has … Continue reading

Neanderthal-influenced traits. Credit: Deborah Brewington, Vanderbilt University
The Missing Link: Evidence of Human and Neanderthal Hybrid Found in China

A Chinese-American team of scientists has discovered two partial skulls in central China that appear to be half human, half Neanderthal. The skulls have caused speculation that they belong to a previously-unknown relative of homo sapiens. The skulls are between 105,000-125,000 years old, and were found in Lingjing, Xuchang County, in Henan province, by researchers from both the Chinese Academy … Continue reading

Caveman DNA ‘Inherited by Inuit People Help them Survive the Arctic cold’

INUIT people living in Greenland may have inherited caveman genes that helped an extinct type of human survive the last Ice Age. New evidence suggests the Inuits are protected against the Arctic cold by DNA from Denisovans, a human sub-species that populated Siberia about 40,000 years ago. The discovery is a further indication of interbreeding long ago between the ancestors … Continue reading

We Caught Modern Genital Warts Because our Ancestors Were Banging Neanderthals

Researchers have found evidence that modern genital warts – otherwise known as the human papillomavirus (HPV) – were sexually transmitted to Homo sapiensafter our ancestors slept with Neanderthals and Denisovans roughly around 100,000 years ago. This sexual exchange likely occurred soon after our human ancestors left Africa and spread to Eurasia, which explains why modern-day sub-Saharan Africa is mostly HPV-free, … Continue reading

The Story of Zana the Mysterious Russian Neanderthal Found in 1850

The Discovery of Zana The year is 1850. The place is the Ochamchir region of Georgia in Russia. A group of local hunters are prowling through the forests in search of whatever they can find – What they DO eventually find, shakes their beliefs to their foundations and leaves the world with an enigma that has yet to be explained. … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

