The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Currently browsing: STRANGE /UNEXPLAINED

Remains Of Horned Nephilim Found In North America

Of all the mysterious and eerie archaeological discoveries, none matches the Sayre burial mound in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. ​ The burial mound was found at the end of 19th century by the fluke of three researchers unaware of what was laying underneath their feet. The three researchers were a group of distinguished antiquarians, including the Pennsylvania state historian and dignitary … Continue reading

Scary Footage Of Supposed Alien

This scary video claims to depict a real alien that was caught on tape in a man’s house. The man himself says he was awoken by his dog. Instinctively, he grabbed his cell phone to record and followed his dog to the garage. In the garage, the man caught a mysterious humanoid creature on tape inside of his truck. Many … Continue reading

As the population increases, there is a higher chance the world will end
What are the Numbers? – Bizarre Global Phenomena

Written & Contributed to BENDEDREALITY.COM by TS Caladan – July 2016 by TS Caladan What did the numbers mean that without warning appeared over the heads of a certain few individuals on planet Earth at 3:33 PM, Greenwich, England time [8/8/16] and has continued to the present? No country was spared the NUMBERING of a few of their people labeled … Continue reading

Operational Nephilim Super Structure Discovered

A highly advanced race of superior beings who pre-date humans by millions of years are here on Earth. Could they be the ones who created us? There has been some conjecture that these are the fallen angels known as the Nephilim. Whoever these “people” are… It took an extremely advanced society to construct this gigantic mega-structure hidden away in the … Continue reading

Goats Would Make Good Pets, Say Scientists

Would you keep a goat as a pet? Goats are as loving and clever as dogs, say smitten scientists They may seem an unusual candidate for the title of man’s best friend, but scientists have suggested that goats could rival dogs in forming an emotional bond with their owners. Researchers from Queen Mary University of London aim to prove that … Continue reading

Nostradamus Predicted ISIS, Zika Virus And President Bernie Sanders

Nostradamus is famous for predicting major world events centuries before they took place, with scholars claiming he predicted Napoleon, Hilter, the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attacks among his prophecies – but did he also predict ISIS, the Zika virus, and a Bernie Sanders presidency? A newspaper cutting featuring a Nostradamus prediction foreseeing a “Muslim army” marching through Europe went … Continue reading

Frederick Valentich Disappearance: How UFO Helped Inspire The Kettering Incident

A pilot who disappeared nearly 40 years ago after reporting a UFO is one of the inspirations for the plot of the new television drama series The Kettering Incident. While the show revolves around fictional mysterious disappearances in the Tasmanian bush, the disappearance of Frederick Valentich was very real. Valentich was a 20-year-old pilot who went missing over Bass Strait … Continue reading

A Civil Servant Missing Most of His Brain Challenges Our Most Basic Theories of Consciousness

Not much is definitively proven about consciousness, the awareness of one’s existence and surroundings, other than that its somehow linked to the brain. But theories as to how, exactly, grey matter generates consciousness are challenged when a fully-conscious man is found to be missing most of his brain. Several years ago, a 44-year-old Frenchman went to the hospital complaining of … Continue reading

Mystery Explosions Still Plaguing Alhambra, California

Susan Saunders began hearing the explosions at random hours, day and night, in February at her Alhambra home. The first one came at 3 a.m. “I thought, ‘Somebody’s blowing things up,’” said Saunders, 60. “It really lifted my windows.” But she heard it again and again. Her neighbors started hearing it. Police were called. They received 114 calls about the … Continue reading

FBI Releases Document With Detail of Alien Bodies, Spacecraft and Planet

Among all of the governments on the planet, it is believed that the United States has the most disclosure to do. Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton has stated that if she is elected President of the United States, she would disclose all alien related documents and get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon. Jon Podesta, who was President Barack Obama’s … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

