The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

Currently browsing: STRANGE /UNEXPLAINED

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Some Scientific Facts About Crop Circles That Nobody Really Knows About

Crop circles have been appearing around the globe for a very long time, and while some might represent the sloppy and obvious work of a few pranksters, others are so elaborate, so clever, so intricate, and so meaningful that their creation would require the use of highly advanced technology. It’s truly difficult to imagine how some of these designs could … Continue reading

‘Blood Rain’ on Spanish Village Remains a Mystery

Haematococcus pluvialis (seen in the main headline pic above), is thought to be the cause of red rain in Spain — but where did it come from? Here’s one that sounds like a plot line from the upcoming reboot of “The X-Files” — or for a more arcane reference — the files of Charles Fort, the early 20th Century author … Continue reading

Man with missing limb
Phantom Limbs May Hold The Key To Consciousness

During his disastrous naval assault on the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Lord Nelson lost hundreds of men, and was driven from the coast in defeat. He was also shot in the arm, and had to have part of it amputated. This being 1797, the amputation was done by knife without anesthetic. He seems to have been a good … Continue reading

meteor strike
Could This be The First Ever Recorded Human Fatality Due To A Meteorite

Indian officials say a meteorite struck the campus of a private engineering college on Saturday, killing one person. If scientists confirm the explosion was due to a meteorite, it would be the first recorded human fatality due to a falling space rock. According to local reports, a bus driver was killed on Saturday when a meteorite landed in the area … Continue reading

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Giants Walked On Earth: Discoveries That Will Rewrite History

We all have probably heard of the Gigantic beings that “supposedly” walked n Earth in the Distant past. Some call them Cyclops, describing them with strange characteristics on their heads. Mythologically speaking, every time a giant walks an earthquake occurs. But there is a possibility that there is more to the giants than we have thought, some researchers believe the … Continue reading

10 Most Fascinating Alien Abduction Stories

10. Antonio Vilas-Boas (1957) In 1957, Brazilian farmer Antonio Vilas-Boas claimed he was abducted by aliens while tending to his fields. According to his story, four 5-foot-tall aliens, dressed in gray overalls and helmets, approached him and immediately took him aboard their spherical craft. As time passed, he was instructed to have sex with a female alien with long white … Continue reading

Monticello, New York Rocked By Loud Ground-Shaking Boom

Editor’s Note: This story is from a few days back but I felt it is still important in light of the reports of these seem to be increasing again lately. Portions of Sullivan County were rocked by noise that to some have compared to a sonic boom. It occurred shortly before midnight on Saturday. Numerous residents grabbed their phones to … Continue reading

8 Things That Would Happen If We Made Alien Contact

BY Stevie Shephard It could happen at any time, but are we ready? It seems as though a week doesn’t go by these days without us discovering some new planet, star or alien megastructure. Frankly, it feels like it’s only a matter of time before spaceships start falling from the skies and we finally get our invitation to the intergalactic … Continue reading

Everything we know may be powered by AI
REVEALED: This is What Aliens Look Like

ALIENS might not be the little green men that we have always imagined, but rather a being with “superintelligence”, according to the man who is leading the search for extra-terrestrials. Aliens may be a forms of AI. Seth Shostak, director at the Centre for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), expects humans are actually less advanced than aliens and we … Continue reading

Exposing the Secret History Of Giants and the Underground Hyperborean Gallery in Romania

Romania is known for the tales of giants who lived across the country. Many pieces of evidence prove that Romanian tales about the giants are true. Depending on the region of Romania where the legends come from, there are different names for giants. In the Boziorul area, giants are known as “tartars” (“tartari”), for example. Known by the name of … Continue reading


The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement.

